We are well-renowned as one of the trusted Domestic Dehumidifier Manufacture & Dehumidifier supplier in Delhi, India. The Dehumidifiers offered by us are ideal for the Industrial, Commercial and Domestic applications. The array of Industrial Dehumidifier includes Stainless Steel Special 304 grade body units GMP Model (Specially Designed for Pharmaceutical Industries), Pre-laminated Board Units (specially used for commercial & Residential areas) and G.I. Powder Coated Units (specially used for Wood seasoning or other Industries).
We have a complete infrastructure for testing and R&D and due to which we are able to deliver the most heavy duty and reliable product to our customer.
All our products have ISI marked compressors and heavy duty coils for better heat transfer and better condensation & longer life. Our special vacuuming system ensures the highest efficiency for our Dehumidifier.
Special Features:
- Casing : Main frame of self supporting follow extruded Aluminum profile. 25mm-43mm thick double skin CFC free PUF injected panel.
- Fans : Belt drive driven DIDW/SISW, forward and backward curved construction and direct drive plug fan.
- Coils : Chilled water/heating/direct expansion coil.
- Filters : Washable, pre & fine filter.
Tripti Dehumidifiers
The problems related to product drying are typically Quality of Drying & Speed Of Drying Conventionally, products are dried with hot air. However most products which require drying are temperature sensitive.
Moisture is present in the products as:
- Free moisture in form of surface moisture generated due to washing or mixing the product with water prior to drying.
- Hygroscopic moisture which is held within the product.
- Combination of both.
Drying Operations
Involve the removal of all moisture to the required level. Surface moisture (and it is often assumed that it is only type of moisture present) is conventionally removed by raising the product temperature by using hot air to vaporize the moisture.
However this can result in product spoilage as many products like cocoa, gelatin, coffee etc are temperature sensitive and need to be dried at low temperature.
Proper removal of the hygroscope moisture depends on the difference between the relative humidity of the air surrounding the product and of the product’s equilibrium condition.
If the RH of surrounding air is lower then the product will give up its hygroscopic moisture to the drier air to be in equilibrium with it surrounding velocity of the air over the product has little or no bearing on the drying speed.
Product Drying application are typically:
- Bulk (Batch) drying when material is loaded into a compartment and entire load is dried as a batch.
- Continuous drying is when the wet material continuously is fed into the drying room/chamber and it leaves the chamber, dried to the desired result.
As every material has different physical characteristics, which determine how it holds or gives up moisture, and published data on their drying is generally not available, selecting appropriate air-drying equipment must be done experimentally.
Usually the sudden change in drying rate( at the critical point) donates where the initial drying via removal of free moisture ends, and hygroscope drying takes place over.
In other words, the product has lost its free moisture but is still hygroscopic ally saturated. However the net effective drying surface and hygroscopic properties cannot be determined in any other way.
Advantage of Using Dehumidification over other methods:
Dehumidification is the most cost effective and easy method to ensure drying without spoilage as the drying is the based on the difference in vapor pressures of water in the product and the surrounding air. By physically removing the moisture from air, through the condensation the evaporative potential of the air is maximized.
- Why Dehumidification if better
- Better quality drying with more uniform drying
- Faster drying rate without the risk of product spoilage
- Reduction in speed for drying
- Low power consumption
Where humidity control is vital ?
- Pharmaceutical Laboratories
- Punch Card Storages rooms
- Capsule, Strip Packing, Tablet Section
- Photographic Industries
- Coating Dept.
- Communication Equipment cabins
- Spectrophotometer & Instrument Rooms
- Computer and data storage Rooms
- Library
- Electrodes Storage
- Pharmaceutical Laboratories
- Packing Rooms
- Locker Rooms
- Processing Industries
- Textile Wrapping & Quilling rooms
- Printing & Lithography
- Wood Seasoning
- Painting Booths & Painting Industry
- Food Storage
- Powdered sugar users
- Banes
Technical Specifications
Other Features
(a) Type Water condensing type.
(b) Capacity Compressors 0.2 TR to 20.0TR.
(c) Compressor Hermetically sealed Compressor to operate on Single Phase & 3 Phase.
(d) Coil Both Heat exchanger and Water condensing coils are made of Copper pipes Finned with Aluminum sheets.
(e) Fan Motor Single shaft motor fitted with bower/fan dynamically balanced.
(f) Chassis The sheet metal components made out of heavy Galvanized sheet and Powder Coated after 7 tank hot dip chemical pre-treatment. The unit is designed to mount on trolley with castors.
(g) Humidistat Dehumidifier is fitted with Digital Controller for accurate humidity with built TDR (Time Delay Relay)
(h) Pump Automatic water level controller with automatic water disposal pump available (Optional)